Essay by Jean-Pierre Criqui
100 pages, 90 color illustrations origin: 100 pages, 90 color illustrations materials: Essay by Jean-Pierre Criqui --> Store Card Template above the upper margin line. use next cut/margin box. Margin line TIP: Use a blade and ruler and don’t cut “all the way” . Don’t use the guillotine... KEN PRICE DRAWINGS

    Essay by Jean-Pierre Criqui
    100 pages, 90 color illustrations

    New, still in publisher shrink wrap. ""Featuring seventy-eight works on paper — all reproduced here for the first time, many at actual size — Ken Price Drawings is the largest book ever published on the subject. The large full-color plates capture the drawings in all their wayward vitality. As French art historian Jean-Pierre Criqui writes in the essay, “The tutelary power of drawing was, for Price, clad in an aura both transgressive and magical.”