- This instruction box will not print.
- Preferably, use a perforating wheel to cut,
but in lack of such, you can cut along lines with a scalpel,
taking care to not cut all the way to the edge.
Everyone speaks of their need for reading glasses in the same way, that time after time, when it happens, it happens overnight. It is not a death but it is a loss for many. However, there are a few who are pleased in the moment they wake up and can not read the clock. Those who embrace old age, they actually look forward to it; they believe age brings wisdom and they think fondly of the possibility of becoming a sage. They always wished for glasses, of any kind because as a prop they impart a message of elevation, of academia. They arrive at reading glasses with happiness. And then there are the rest of us who realize the dulling of the eyes is not necessarily a benefit but yet another passing. We don't want to always have glasses within arms reach, something dangling around our necks. We do not want a prop on our face and if any of you read in bed at night you can attest to a number of pairs being flattened in ones sleep. Thanks to Greg we found a solution to many sleepless moments. Economical, colorful, bright, easy to find, easy to keep in the pocket, nearly impossible to break. The solution is easy to see, keep one in every room, don't suffer and more than anything else, don't take it all too seriously, keep them cheap, colorful and light! You have arrived, welcome. Start with 1.0, step it up to 1.5, you know what you need.