November 21–December 29, 2019
at Gordon Robichaux Gallery
The KIOSK practice is about exchange, beauty, and value. It is about many things: the meeting of art and commerce, art and objects, and desire; it’s about the simple notions of enjoyment, community, sensations, and the belief that beauty surrounds us in all forms, we only need to open our eyes to see.
After leaving New York in 2015, we moved to Europe, slowly continued on our object collections, kept the online shop, had a store at the ICA in London, and worked on other things. This year we opened a space in the Unité d’Habitation in Marseille, a historic building of magnitude created by Le Corbusier during a time of great social change. The show at Gordon Robichaux is our return to New York—our home—after a nearly four-year hiatus. We come back to a city and country in a tremendous upheaval. We hope to make a small, positive impact.
Looking and thinking about beauty and reality simultaneously and the context we are in today, we will create a KIOSK for Gordon Robichaux for how we see this day and age. There will be art, there will be beauty, there will be light, there will be community, and there will be a gift store. Hopefully, when leaving us, people will feel good.
–KIOSK, NYC, 2019
Beautifully photographed by Greg Carideo